now is day 39 in las cruces: watching Queer Eye makeover of a 57-year-old Georgia bear. Just the kind of guy i love to love, straight but flexible and so hungry to change, to blossom. and he does. Those five queens take him and polish him, bringing out his sweet playfulness, rebuilding his self-esteem, re-decorating his life without dishonoring him. "We grow up and want to find love.We are all the same in that way." And he does, not just with ex-wife #3 and with the faerie godmothers who work with him but with himself. He sees himself as they see him, lovable, worthy, sexy, brave--this is small town Georgia good old boy here, hugging gay guys, crying with them out of joy.
i cried too, wishing all those straight men (and gay ones, too) could just ease up and be themselves, whatever that means. I see that in myself, transforming and becoming and relaxing into my 64-year-old self.