Monday, October 10, 2016

now is that age-old battle of male-vs-female. i just finished reading an excellent book(Stiffed by Susan Faludi) and this is her closing argument:he no longer has to live by the "scorecard" his nation handed him....and so ...comes an opening, an opportunity for men to forge a rebellion commensurate with women's. and, in the course of it, to create a new paradigm for human progress that will open doors for (all) create a freer, more humane world. In the end, though, it will remain a dream without the strength and courage of men who are today faced with a historic opportunity : to learn to wage a battle against no enemy, to own a frontier of human liberty, to act in the service of a brotherhood that includes us all(pp.607f). Having just come from two similar gatherings, one of gay/bisexual men and one of men and women, gay and straight, and experiencing the beauty of ritual and sharing, including talking circles and sweat lodges, i am overjoyed to announce that the troops for this new battle are gathering in arkansas and texas and kansas and oregon and probably in your town, too. read the book(if you can find it) and find someone with different "junk" from you to discuss these issues. the time is now, the place is in our hearts,namaste,goldenrod

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