Tuesday, August 30, 2016

now is about intent. as i return to the east i wonder just what is this journey all about? it has been 10 months and i am still drifting from one place to another. and that was the purpose, after all. but as i face east(air/new beginnings) i set my intention to BE love. not to make love or give love(although those are fine, too) but to just look out of my eyes into the eyes of each being i meet and be love with them. without words(getting tired of words, me), without touch(very difficult for me), just eye-to-eye and hopefully heart-to-heart. and to you my beloveds i send my devotion and that love that is greater than just my love,brooksie


  1. I love following your journey my friend.

  2. I love following your journey my friend.

  3. Touch. Its absence and presence. With self and others.
