Sunday, August 28, 2016

now is bosque redondo. in 1863 the us army moved 9000 natives(apaches and navajos) from their homeland in western new mexico/eastern arizona to a prairie in south-central new mexico a "walk" of about 500 miles. most of the apaches did not stay(remember geronimo?) but the navajo did, until 1868, when they were released to walk back to their homeland. 7300 returned. as a white man who has studied us history i was still shocked to realize the extent of the genocide practiced and the rape of the culture: having just traveled from the window rock "capital" of the navajo to the veritable wasteland near ft sumner new mexico i could sit in my air conditioned van and imagine the shock of the Dineh. if you have not read up on their plight, i would only ask that you do so in remembrance of that struggle and thoughtfully as we look at a nation that prides itself on freedom. i am sad and angry today, and ashamed that i "live in a country where justice is just a game(B. Dylan)"

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